Okay, so you went out and bought this expensive, ‘whiz bang’, metal, makeup case with many shelves and compartments – how professional of you.
This case may be great for interior Fashion and Beauty shoots, as you do need to appear professional and “Makeup Artist-y”, but when you go on location it is nothing more than a nightmare!
It’s heavy, cumbersome and when it’s in the elements it’s similar to an oven - so you can watch your expensive makeup products melt into a huge, colourful muddle.
Also, when there is a shoot on the beach, sand and water are your worst enemies.
What you need to do is purchase a soft, fabric, zip up, drink cooler with wheels and use that as your kit for the shoot. It stops sand and dirt from getting in to everything, it’s water resistant and it helps keep your products nice and cool.
You can buy some really tasteful designs now so you won’t look like you have arrived for a family barbeque. Mine cost me about $40.
Another thing I suggest is to purchase a cheap, plastic, cylindrical cracker container with a lid for about $3 (the ones you keep your Jatz in) and use this to store your brushes – it keeps them clean and allows them not to squash into weird shapes.
Location shoots can happen anywhere, you never know the type of weather you are going to have to endure and usually you are moving quickly from one location to another – so stop worrying about your expensive makeup case and products and try being more resourceful and practical. This will allow you to concentrate on your job – doing Makeup!
P.S. There may be some similar cases and containers out there now which are specifically designed for Makeup Artists – but, because of this, they usually end up costing you an arm and a leg when really they are just the same thing.